Quality Building Company LLC, or QBC LLC, is a family-owned and operated construction business. We specialize in real estate investment properties, spec homes, and major renovations.

The Process

WHAT WE DOEstimate


We specialize in large scale remodels and new build projects. To see if your project qualifies for our free consultation you will need to submit a get in touch form or
call our office directly to tell us a little more about your project.

If your project is determined eligible our office will reach out to you to schedule a free consultation with our GC.

During your consultation the GC will gather information and pictures in order to make a complete and detailed proposal of the scope and total cost of your project. This document is emailed to you and takes about a week to 10 days to complete and send. The GC will then follow up with a phone call to see if you have any questions.

WHAT WE DOScheduling

If we proceed with the estimate phase and the client decides they want to move forward the GC will schedule a contract signing. At signing a deposit will be due. We require a 40% down deposit in most cases, if the contract amount is more than a certain dollar amount the deposit is subject to lower in percentage.

After the contract is signed your GC will contact you in a week or two from the date of signing to let you know the start date. If your project requires a permit your start date will be determined after the permit is approved. See the FAQ section [make the phrase ‘FAQ section’ a link to move the page down to the FAQ portion of page] for the time frame of permitting.

WHAT WE DOPunch List

Completion is defined by the completion of the punch list. A punch list is a list of fine tuning and tweaks needed at the end of the construction process that is created when the GC and client do a walkthrough.

After the punch list is completed the final payment is collected and then QBC’s 1-year warranty starts.


Have an idea, a vision? We can make it happen. Join our family, we offer free consultation to achieve your goals with creativity and quality that you deserve.

Homeowner FAQs

1. How long will my project take? 

It depends on the scope of your project. QBC LLC does not give formal project timelines but can provide you with a verbal estimate of how long your project will take. Since we specialize in larger scale remodels and new builds, typically a project of that nature can take as little as 4 months and as long as 1 year; again all depending on how large the scope of work is for your project.

2. Why don’t we quote timelines?

The process is involved, and includes variables and city jurisdictions that are out of our control. Permits are a common factor that can play into adding weeks or months to a project. Our office supplies these permit departments with the information needed as quickly as they can, but once we submit the information it is up to the city’s jurisdiction to let us know next steps.

We source our architects and subcontractors for each job. We have a good relationship with our independent contractors, they do their best to accommodate our jobs. Scheduling is on a day-to-day basis, and we do our best within our managing power to progress each project as quickly as we can.

3. How long does a permit take to get approved?

It all depends on your city’s jurisdiction. Some counties’ software programs for contractors to submit for permits are quicker than others, and some are still very analog.

Regardless of what software your city uses for this process all documents must be reviewed by a real person in the department. Sometimes there is a backlog for reviewers and we will have to wait until it is our turn in the queue. Many jurisdictions have notified our office that they are still experiencing a backlog due to COVID and new remote working regulations.

4. Is my HOA involved?

HOA involvement all depends on your zoning. It is important to check with your HOA if they need to be a part of the approval process, it can often take weeks due to board meeting scheduling for an HOA to give approval. Oftentimes they will need items like drawings, materials being used, and paint colors. Typically you won’t run into HOA’s unless you live in a condo or shared living space, and sometimes subdivisions that are newer or still enforcing their HOA regulations.

5. What is my involvement in the whole process of my project?

An important involvement of the client is to select design elements they desire; that includes but is not limited to, paint color, material types, drywall finish, millwork, doors, windows, trim fixtures, appliances, cabinets, etc. We do help you stay on task when selecting these items and prefer it is done ahead of time due to hefty lead times for product shipping, or backorder products.

Pre-construction there may be drawings to approve of design before we break ground these decisions can be made via email before we start construction.

Anything that requires opinion or selection will be done by the client, but guided by our office.

6. Does my contract include fixtures or appliances?

Contracts can include a budget for all fixtures and appliances needed to complete the project, or not include a budget. Typically we will allow for a certain number price to go towards trim fixtures, or tile, things of that nature. Anything not listed in the contract or specified supplied by the owner will need to be purchased out of pocket by the owner and received on site for QBC to install. This can be made clear during the estimate process and we will be happy to answer any questions regarding what is included in your contract total. Our office will help the client pick out anything regardless of if it is included in the contract price or not.

7. What if I want changes after we start?

Changes can be done mid project. This would be classified as a Change Order. Change Orders need to be approved by the client and the GC before the work is performed. These are sent via email for the client to sign off or give written approval. We try to avoid Change Orders as much as possible if they are not specifically requested by our client. We want to stick to the original scope and contract price to the best of our ability.

Sometimes, there are instances where something is discovered after the demo phase and needs to be attended to for safety purposes that go beyond the contract scope, we call this an Emergency Change Order. This is the only instance where an additional cost can occur without voluntary inquiry from the client. We will never suggest anything that would add more cost if it wasn’t a matter of safety or mandatory code updates required by the inspector(s).

8. Who is my point of contact?

Your point of contact is your GC. The GC manages the project and organizes what needs to be done on site. Our office is always available by phone or text for customer service questions or to pass along a message if your GC is temporarily unavailable. Any changes or questions about your project should go through your GC so our office can undergo the correct procedures to obtain the right outcome. Subcontractors do not have any say in changes or price and should not discuss topics of this nature with the clients. We can offer our subcontractors to quote you directly if needed for budgeting needs of our clients, but we will need to be the ones to approve it beforehand, per contract law of Colorado.

9. What do I do if I was contacted by my GC of a sub’s schedule and the sub never showed up? 

This scenario as much as it irks us can happen from time to time. As mentioned in #2 our site workers are independent contractors who make their own schedule. They do their best to accommodate our schedules but sometimes this can happen. What you will need to do is contact your GC right away so they can follow up with the sub. We have our sub’s agree to contact us before if they can not make it, but this doesn’t always happen, and in this case we do allow for it to happen once or twice but if it becomes a pattern we do take them off the job and replace them with another sub of that skill.

10. What is the structure of your team?

We do have an in-house office team that works administratively. The GC is the liaison from the office to the field. The subs are the field workers. In some cases we do hire a subcontractor team. The team is different because they have a lead who oversees them day-to-day and staffs the full project. In this scenario your GC is still your point of contact but the lead sub is dubbed to also perform customer service and help the GC manage the job. We tend to deploy a team if the project is larger or we have a lot of projects going on so as the GC is not stretched too thin.

11. How do I make a payment? 

The most popular form of payment is a check. We are currently looking into implementing a payment platform on our site, so it is easier for clients to make a swift payment and the progress of their job to maintain. Please check with your GC or call our office to see if the online payment option is available at the time of your project.

12. What is the payment schedule? 

At contract signing 40% of your contract is due, this is the deposit. A deposit saves your place in our project queue when scheduling new jobs. Depending on your project total the deposit may lower in percentage. The next payment due is post demo and pre electrical rough (if required). Any payment after the deposit is called a draw. Draws are billed every two weeks to cover what has been completed or what will soon be commenced in labor and materials. We leave 5% off to be paid after the completion of the project to make sure everything is up to QBC standards. We call this a final walkthrough where the GC and client walk the job together to make a punch list of those tweaks. There is one punchlist allowed per project. After the punch list is completed the final 5% is due. Once we receive the final payment, your one (1) year warranty with QBC begins. Anything discovered after the punch list completion will be qualified as warranty work and will be tended to once final payment is collected and cleared.

13. What is your warranty policy?

Our warranty policy is one (1) year and covers any and all work that was performed by QBC within the contract scope. Your warranty starts once we receive the final payment and it clears the banking institutions. As stated in #12 any item to attend to within the scope of QBC found after the punch list completion is deemed warranty work and can not be addressed until the final payment is collected and cleared.

14. Does QBC give discounts?

QBC does not give discounts. Each contract is carefully priced by our GC. We perform all work in the contract to completion and any approved Change Orders along the way. If for any reason the client does not pay the full amount agreed upon and stated in the signed contract, even in the rare case of a granted discount our warranty policy is null and void. In most cases this does not happen, and our warranty policy is upheld.