Quality Building Company LLC, or QBC LLC, is a family-owned and operated construction business.
We specialize in real estate investment properties, spec homes, and major renovations.

Starting in Chicago, Illinois, QBC LLC has taken the business to Denver and has been serving Colorado
by bringing our simple arm-chair investment program to Coloradans all over the state to help build
a sustainable  financial future for all.

Whether you are a veteran or new to real estate investment, QBC LLC has a simple and easy investment
setup for a great preferred offer of return on your investment. Browse our website or contact us to see if
this opportunity is right for you.

Steps of Investing


  • Flexibility
  • Over 40 years of Experience
  • Generous ROIs

Contact us, we want to hear from you. We are happy to explain our investment opportunity over the phone or in person with serious parties. 

We have informational material to provide our investors before their initial investment. The first step is ultimately to release your investment.  


  • Extensive Due Diligence
  • Better Investing Decisions
  • Smooth Buying Process

We will have multiple properties to choose from or one main property available to invest in. You can choose to diversify your money and invest in multiple builds at once or just one at a time. Your options depend on the availability of teardowns or empty lots for sale. 

We find properties while investments are being collected and then purchase properties within budget and are still on the market. There is a minimum buy-in of $10,000 per property. Our pool of funds per property is usually accompanied by a bank loan that can only be retained once enough investors have deposited funds. 


  • Reliable, Skilled set of Professionals
  • Projects are Planned Properly
  • Marketing Plan to Attract Buyers

Once a property is successfully purchased, and funds procured for construction, the work can begin. New house builds take anywhere from 9 to 12 months. New condominiums can take up to 18 months. Keep in mind we do submit for permit before breaking ground, our timelines are based off of the first day of physical construction on site.


  • Decent Return on Investment
  • Appreciated Value
  • Instant Equity

Once the newly built property sells, costs are paid, and then you receive your investment plus ROI paid by check. 


Quality Building Company LLC, or QBC LLC, is a family-owned and operated construction business. We specialize in real estate investment properties, spec homes, and major renovations.

Investor FAQs

Q: How does it work?
A: Our investment model can be explained in 4-easy steps. Each investor of a single property is a member of that QBC LLC property. 1. We collect all funds from investors, 2. Break ground (start to build), 3. Sell and close the newly built home, 4. We pay back your investment plus your return


Q: Is there a minimum investment?
A: Yes, the minimum investment is $10,000


Q: What is the risk?
A:  Like any investment risk, such as buying stock, the risk is the same: the item or value purchased by investors becomes less in value than the cost. With the Denver real estate boom, and growing mecca across all industries moving to Colorado, we do not foresee this happening any time soon or at all. There is always a risk but real estate is one of the least risky investments one can make.


Q: When do I see a return on my investment?
A: Once the property is built and officially sold, we pay out each investor their investment plus their ROI.


Q: What will my ROI be?
A: At our current market, we can offer a preferred return of at least a 10-12% total on your investment. Additional upside will be given to investors if possible depending on total net profit.


Q: Do I have to do anything once I successfully invest into a QBC LLC property?
A: After you sign your specific property investment operating agreement, you can just sit back and wait for your ROI. QBC LLC is the managing operator of every property. Our team manages all finances, purchases, designs, builds, and sells all projects — we take care of the whole process.


Q: How long has QBC LLC been doing this?
A: Our founder and owner, Bernie Schmidt, has been using this investment technique to buy and sell homes for over 30 years.


Q: What will QBC LLC be building?
A: In this phase we are focused on single-family homes. We do not put a limit on what we can build, as long as we find we can be successful in selling it and making money for our investors.


Q: How is QBC LLC different from other real estate investment companies?
A: There are a couple different components that make us different. First, we are not only the fund managers but we are also the builders. This keeps the process tight-knit and more transparent than an investment company hired by or hiring independent builders or construction companies to build using a real estate trust, for example. We cut out the middleman and fulfill both roles. This also allows us to collect and distribute a larger pay out to our investors.Secondly, we are all inclusive. As long as you have a general interest in getting into real estate or continuing your growth in real estate investing and have at least the minimum capital to invest you are qualified.Thirdly, we build with green in mind. Green, meaning, environmentally friendly and energy efficient components will be incorporated in our design and builds. We will incorporate anything from solar panels to geothermal heating and cooling.


Q: What are some energy efficient components you will use in your designs?
A: All components include but are not limited to: Geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels/roof, super-insulation envelope, super-efficient air exchanger system, drought resistant landscaping, optional gray-water system for landscape irrigation, adjustable LED light fixtures, energy-efficient thermostats, low to no VOC wood, paint, and finishing products, reclaimed hardwood floors or bamboo, water-saving plumbing fixtures, and much more!


Q: Does QBC LLC take out loans to partially finance their projects. 
A: If we raise enough capital to purchase property, and finish construction, QBC LLC will not need to secure any additional loans. In the event we do not, we will be securing bank loans under the company QBC LLC. QBC LLC is solely responsible to pay back that loan.


Q: Where do investors fall on the order of payouts?
A: Investors are the first paid after the general expenses of closing cost for sale of the property.